This is too good a story to pass up. Headlines CNN: “Style icon Iris Apfel, 96, is now a (wrinkle-free) Barbie doll”

THE Real Woman!
That’s right! Our favorite fashionista in now a Barbie doll. She is a role model for the ages and we have written about her before. Her joie de vivre makes each and every woman of our generation want to live life to the fullest as she so unmistakably demonstrates.

Barbie Iris
Forget worrying about wrinkles and sagging skin, she says. Go for life and dress with style and panache. Now to that point, she is quick to say that women of an certain age should not wear clothes designed for lithe twenty-something bodies. Get over that she says. But I have to say, I am disappointed that CNN adds “wrinkle-free” to their headline. What is it about wrinkles that makes everyone look the other way? So is the message to young girls that Iris is cool even though she is old, but she is cooler without wrinkles? Isn’t it time we get over this? I know that I look in the mirror and that is what I focus on so much of the time.
So, Lucy and I have made a pact that we will look at ourselves anew every time we look in the mirror. Moving forward, we will be grateful for the how far we have come and how precious life is each and every day. Sounds a little corny but we know we are okay and that this is how we should view ourselves, not by measuring wrinkles or baggy skin!!
On another note, from time to time, we find little stories we’d like to share:
This is lovely piece about the flowers that go into making Chanel 5 with beautiful photographs of the fields of roses:
The National Book Critics Circle announces its winners and they are all women:
And here is a fun story on the history of women wearing pants as a symbol of power:
Until next, time remember how lucky we are to be able to laugh and love and engaged in the world.
Lucy and Claudia