It is that time of year when we pause to remember and give thanks for another year. But, it is easy to get caught up in the bustle and stress of the holidays with shopping and gatherings and end of year requests for support from a myriad of non-profit organizations.
Let’s take a deep breath. Let’s look around us. Let’s remember that we are so fortunate to be who we are and where we are.

However, it is impossible not to think about the men, women and children caught up in the vortex of political and social warfare. Our hearts break when we see images of the destruction of entire communities. And these tragedies are being played out across a spectrum of global geographies.

We are justified in feeling powerless. However, we offer a comforting solution – we can pay attention to each other, and listen to, and participate in how we govern in our own communities. It is something not to be taken likely and this engagement has never been more valuable. We are especially grateful for this privilege.

It has been a challenging year and we are fortunate that we are still here! We are thankful for the support of and continuing joy of women friends. As the years go by, women friends become ever so much more important. Thank you all for your support and caring and for your thoughtful comments and willingness to forgive our occasional lapses.
If we could imagine a perfect world, it would a compound of tiny cottages surrounding a barn full of animals, and together our women friends would live and share in the day-to-day joys and laughter of having survived this long. Here’s to another year we hope!
We leave you with some words of kindness for your soul:
“The version of yourself that carried you through this year somehow, thank her with gratitude before you tell her that she can do better in 2025.” @Laurenoflove
Lucy and Claudia