In our blog two weeks ago, “Women Have Arrived”, we congratulated Kamala Harris and we applauded women leaders around the world.
In conjunction with that story, a friend sent us the following video:
Women have arrived and our hats are off to us! We are not bragging but our generation does deserve some credit. Remember that we stood up and took to the streets fifty plus years ago. Think about the evolution of NOW and think about Gloria Steinem.

The first edition of “Our Bodies Ourselves” was distributed by a group of women in Boston for 75 cents.
From the website today:
In 1970, a group of women in the Boston area self-published “Women and Their Bodies,” a 193-page booklet that dared to address sexuality and reproductive health, including abortion. They distributed it for 75 cents. A year later, they changed the title to “Our Bodies, Ourselves” — and changed the women’s health movement around the world. The U.S. book was updated in print through 2011 and online until 2018, while global adaptions are still in development today. We invite you to learn more about OBOS’s influence, impact, and ongoing advocacy work, and about Our Bodies Ourselves Today, a new collaboration with the Center for Health & Human Rights at Suffolk University.

Here we are today, older and wiser we hope but absolutely delighted to applaud the new generation of women who are leaders and who are role models for women around the world.
Whatever our passions are now, let each of us remember back in the day and look to now and know that we made a difference. Yes, there is more to be done but we have finally opened the floodgates.
Stay safe and well,
Lucy and Claudia