Rain has brought an end to an exceptionally hot and dry summer. For us, Fall is a favorite season as the quality of the air seems fresher and the angle of sunlight brings us magical colors as leaves begin to change. It is a time to prepare for the coming cold weather and so we turn to our closet to take out the summer whites and consider what stays or goes from our wardrobe.
We have been following Coastal Grandmother who this summer had nearly 150,000 followers on TikTok. Her summer essentials included a button-down shirt, a chunky sweater and, of course, white pants. As she looks at a fall wardrobe, her first rule is that fashion is about a way of life. “It’s about slowing down and taking the time to do things that make you happy.”

She suggests that we look for fashion that is more traditional than trendy. “As long as you channel what she calls the three C’s — classic, comfortable, and chic — your inner retiree gets to live on, no matter the weather. “ She adds that we look for pieces that are versatile so that they can be used in different environments, for example, changing from black pumps to ballet flats with a simple white shirt and black pants. The same outfit then works for an office setting or meeting and then shifts to a dinner or an at-home evening.
The queen of this minimalist approach to fashion is Eileen Fisher who arrived in New York in the early 1980s not even knowing how to sew. However, she had a vision that less is better and she was dedicated to this strategy. Today, she is no longer an outlier in the fashion industry. Now, more than ever, the fashion industry recognizes that this approach may help mitigate the environmental crisis where truckloads of clothes are burned or buried in landfills every second. Following in her footsteps is the fashion house Jil Sanders as are other young designers who see her approach to encourage buyers to buy less as the future of the industry.
Less is better champion

Before you go think about updating your wardrobe, pick up a copy of a newly reprinted book What Shall I Wear? By Claire MCardell. Originally published in 1956, she was one of the first designers to put pockets on dresses not designed for housecleaning. She also used denim for dresses not just for jeans. Tory Burch has written the forward for the newly republished version. It is a fun read and perfect timing for us as we prepare for the changing of the seasons.
Going to hit our closets.
Lucy and Claudia