Last year, I wrote about the pain of grief after having lost my son. With the help of friends and family, I began the journey toward healing.
At the same time, I found another way to heal and return to the light. I wrote:

“I adopted a ten-year old Newfoundland three days after my son died. My son had a Newfie puppy when he was a baby. I have photos of him with our Newfoundland and this new dog has the same head and face. I knew the minute I saw him, that we needed to rescue each other.”
And every day since then, I have loved him and hugged him and taken him everywhere in the car. Everywhere I went, he followed. A friend stayed at my house last weekend when I was away. She said that he stayed by my bedroom door and/or in the garage by my car for three days.
Today he was run over by a car in the driveway by the barn. He died with me lying next to him in the leaves. As he lay dying I told him how much I loved him and thanked him for being my friend. He looked at me and put his nose into my hand and then stopped breathing.

Thank you for being my companion. Rest in peace.
A short “story “ image of a crushing heartbreak. If you are now “ stronger at the broken places”, you are, indeed, the very strongest woman I know.