We are not out of the woods yet. It is so easy to get cavalier about the current pandemic. As we step out and begin to be with friends and go about “normal” activities, it seems like we will be okay. And yet I have to catch myself and remember that getting this virus would be incredibly dangerous and possibly life-threatening.
I find the masks uncomfortable in the heat. I went to the local supermarket for the first time in four months and it was creepy and frankly stressful. Most people wear masks properly but then there are those who wear their masks below their noses. What is the point of that really? I decide it is better to say nothing and keep my distance.
I want to travel again. Lucy is keeping a file of trips she wants to take. One of my sons says that he is planning a trip in August because he just needs to travel. The thing I like best about travel is meeting people in other cultures. I can forego shaking hands but what about greeting others with a smile? How is that going to work when we need to wear masks and keep six feet apart?

National Geographic sends me weekly notices of trip to take when we can travel again. A friend invited me to revisit Africa in 2022. Now this is someone who really plans ahead. For me with my health history, it is too scary to think that far ahead so I will decline the invitation. This week we read that Europe is closed to Americans. OMG. That is depressing but it is understandable at the same time. For now, it is best that we respect the rules and look forward to a time when we can travel and feel safe.
On to what’s in the news for women this week.

The number one social media platform we all know is Facebook and for over two years, Mark Zuckerberg has refused to filter its content. However, having just lost $7 billion this past week in advertisers who are boycotting it for its failure to oversee content, Facebook has agreed to flag certain posts as “harmful”. We are not certain this is the solution but it is a beginning:
The Chicago Tribune revealed a fascinating story behind the original women who became the Aunt Jemima brand for Quaker Oats. The image was removed this week because of its racial profile and overtones:

The GOOP newsletter developed by actress Gwyneth Paltrow features over-the-top expensive clothing for weekend getaways with Gwyneth wearing these outfits. The site also includes beauty tips (and stories on how to be the perfect lover?). But this week’s beauty article provides helpful ways to prevent crow’s feet and dark circles under eyes. Definitely worth a read:
Stay well and safe and keep a sense of humor.
Lucy and Claudia