As we grow up or grow “more mature” or whatever we call it, Lucy and I talk about where we want to visit and what trips we want to plan while we can still enjoy the experiences. Travel is on everyone’ s bucket lists. And today the Internet offers an infinite number of places to see and ways to travel.

Fantasy if only trip Not going to happen but….
I got a catalogue yesterday for an around the world trip for a month to every place I want to see before I die. NO really, I mean everyplace I want to see while I can still appreciate it. From Peru to Samoa to Tibet and Tanzania to Petra and Marrakech, imagine that kind of trip! The problem is, of course, that it costs an unaffordable amount!
So Lucy wisely suggests that we do not hold up some unattainable list but rather make a short list that is achievable and reasonable.

Cooking classes and shopping!
She is looking into a shopping and pastry class experience in Paris that she found that sounds like great fun:

Look who is coming for breakfast!
At the top of my list is the Giraffe Manor in Nairobi and it has been on my list for a long time. I have a great friend who is also interested in going and we are hoping to get two more friends to join us. It is not a trip to do alone so the more in our party the better:

Not your average peeping tom!
While a quick trip to Florida does not require much planning – there is still the complete joy in creating a trip to a far off magical destination, months or a year in advance. A friend recently returned from a working trip to India, and, by some dint of kismet, met the Dali Lama at her hotel. Last week, looking into her eyes I was convinced that traveling is the ultimate facelift for the body and the soul but, then again, it may have also been the experience of meeting the Dali Lama!
Planning a trip that has a special connection to family or your past is another way of culling the wish list. Lucy found a diary by her father from a trip he made to Lake Cuomo after college. She has this journey on her list. I want to travel again to Italy, always to Italy, anytime and anywhere, and also plan to visit the village of my grandparents on the Adriatic Sea.
Advice from a travel expert suggests when planning to travel alone choose a hotel that is in the city center within walking distance of sites you want to visit. I bring a book for lunch and or

Breathtaking Lake Cuomo
dinner and my fellow single travelers do as well. It is best to plan a solo travel experience with a reputable travel company who can help with 24-hour emergency services, depending on where you travel.
The take away message for all of us is to plan travel experiences now while we can still appreciate them. So get out there and do it!
Au revoir,
Lucy and Claudia