What is better than the perfect white shirt? For men and women, there is nothing like an impeccably tailored, pressed, crisp white shirt.
We are pleased to have discovered that a company started by a small group of MIT trained engineers and MBA grads has indeed developed what we think is the perfect white shirt. Merging precisely engineered woven fabric with sixteen-hour shape retention, and making it wrinkle resistant, all the while giving it the feel of silk, these engineers delivered the perfect white shirt. We could not be happier and our hats are off to these young engineers.
Over the past 5 years, a number of entrepreneurs in the fashion industry have come out of Harvard and MIT. It is becoming increasingly apparent that these game changing enterprises are evidence that the fashion industry has become serious business.
Founded in 2012, the business is already planning on expanding beyond Boston to other East Coast cities. You can buy on line from the company website, although you need to log in before seeing their available products: https://ministry.co/pages/company
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